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Reiki Group Classes
These are done in my Reiki Group Classes only and the monthly schedule is on this site They are listed as $35 each but that is sometimes and/or also called a “donation’ set amount of $35.00. The standard group class is for about 90 – 120 min. and is held every month starting in May 2018. Please see the Book Now
tab on the right side of this website – Schedule Now under Classes. These group Reiki Classes are Reiki trainings, and only done IN PERSON for small groups, and Virtually also.
Akashic Records Attunement – Akashic means ‘primary substance’ and these records are the Universal Soul Records. This attunement provides techniques and scripts to help access these records. With practice you may receive guidance, discover past lives impacting on your current life and more. This process will be faster for some people than others and practice is a requirement. This Attunement can assist you while working on your spiritual path.
Activation of the Medicine Wheel – Medicine wheels are usually made of stones placed in a circle with a cross in the middle. The circle is divided by the cross into four equal parts. So, there are four different directions to the Medicine Wheel, with each having it’s own gifts and teachings.
Amara-Omni Reiki – This is a powerful initiation form of Reiki, versus Attunement. It has several powerful symbols and when they are ‘implanted’ into the aura, the facilitators meaning is also implanted with the symbol. So, when symbols are sent, the facilitator needs to also be careful of their own suggestion with the symbol.
Ama Deus Shamanic Healing Reiki Master – is powerful, energy-based shamanic healing using ancient symbols. Techniques are visualized via the third eye, and the symbols are multidimensional, although they have no names nor colors associated with them. They are, however, used for specific things like healing the self, healing animals, birds and plants. They can also be used for giving spiritual gifts like on birthdays, or receiving information about dreams. There are simply many uses listed in the manual. It can also be used for healing the Earth energies. It comes from Brazil, from the guarani and their primitive healing styles, and also from the Irapuru, the sacred bird of the Amazon jungle.
Amida Budda Link – This statue in Japan is usually called Daibutsu, meaning the big Buddha. Buddhas spread their influence over the worlds where they teach Dharma. The Buddha realms can be seen as literal and metaphorical.
Angel Light Initiation – walk with the Angels – Angels have never lived on the human plane, in human form. This Reiki Attunement includes a 4-part attunement, as well as a prep exercise and a simple invocation method. The four attunements consists of: 1) a third eye attunement – based on Wiccan, Buddist, and Tiebetan teachings and uses the mandala from Eastern religions. The mandala is used to allign with the angels. 2) Upper Astral Crown Initiation – open a clear channel for Angels to communicate to you; 3) the Heart Attunement – opens the heart chakra; and 4) Angel Initiations – to connect directly to guides and angel guides.
Angelic Empowerments – has five attunements. These include 1) connection w/Guardian Angels via meditation, 2) first triad of the Celestial Hierachy – like Seraphim, etc., 3) the second triad of the Celestial Hierachy – like Virtues and Powers, 4) the third triad of the celestial hierarchy, and 5) Archangels. It creates a stronger connection with the Angelic Realm – the ‘outer realm’ as I call it.
Atlantian Crystal Activation Attunement – bring forth the knowledgeand Energy that was once stored in the main Atlantian Crystal, kept in the Great Poseidon Healing Temple. It has wonderful, light energies attached for all. Atlantian knowledge included things like: levitation, Telepathy, Manifestation, transportation by intent and it holds the key to Earth Ascension.
Assiel Attunement – Assiel is an angel who works with AA Raphael. She comes to us with great love and acceptance of ourselves and others. She, together with AA Raphael the great healer, brings us healing energies of love, peace and harmony! Enjoy her energies and feel the peace and love she brings to all!
Azuriel Attunement – Azuriel is an angel, the ‘Peaceful Warrior’ Angel. He works with AA Michael to bring light and goodness back to this earth realm, with protection and guidance also. He is ‘the blue angel’ working with peace, strength and compassion, to bring us all the universal message of unconditional love and eternal peace!
Ayurveda Reiki – This system empowers body, mind and spirit by using the metaphysical properties of Ayurvedic medicine. Ayurvedic angels helps to find the diseases and to direct frequency energy when it is needed. It awakens Kndalini and attunes frequency to mantras, colors, planets and panchamahabootas space, etc.
Celtic Wisdom Energy System – has one attunement. It was created by Steve Malcolm, who channeled the symbols while visiting Croft Moraig – comprised of three concentric stone circles near Aberfeldy in Perthshire, Scotland. Croft Moraig – Field of Mary – is believed to be on an energy ley-line alignment with the another structure 15 miles away in Glenlyon, the ‘Praying Hands of Mary’. Prerequisite: Usui Reiki Master.
Celtic Reiki Master – has three levels and includes crystal reiki training and attunements. It was created by Martyn Pentecost, who noticed frequencies while he used reiki to heal plants, trees and rivers, as well as animals. It is ‘earth energy’ reiki and employs three symbols derived from the Celtic ogham which is the ancient Druid Alphabet. The Reiki energy uses the frequency of nature – trees and plants and is channeled and Celtic wisdom. It is ‘nature-based’ Reiki.
Colours of Angels – has one attunement. It has connections to seven Archangels (Michael, Gabriel, Jophiel, Chamuel, Raphael, Uriel and Zadkiel) and the Rays those Archangels serve. It will strengthen visual images and provide a strong connection to these Archangels, so that you can call on them whenever you need them.
DNA Reiki – has eight levels, and was channeled during a yoga session from Ascended Master Kryon. It’s purpose is to awaken people and the earth at a faster rate. It has DNA Reiki activates DNA and RNA to the level of 1024 light colors and connects the junk DNA to create 12-strand DNA. Prerequisite: Usui Reiki Master level or Seichim Master.
Dolphin Trilogy Reiki – has three attunements. It was evolved from Dolphin Reiki, which was written by Mark Scott. It builds upon the principles of Dolphin Reiki, expands it to include three levels of healing: Dolphin Healing Reiki, Orca Empowerment Reiki, and Dolphin Crystal Reiki. Both dolphins and orcas shared this system with Shanti Johnson (founder of Dolphin Crystal Reiki, Dolphin Trilogy Reiki) and Rev. Sheryl Carter (founder of Orca Empowerment Reiki), through meditations and work within their realm. Dolphin Trilogy Reiki uses the energy of dolphins and whales to heal the mind and spirit. It is effective at helping with emotional problems like: addictions, depression, and feelings of being separate, or incomplete. These energies can soothe the sadness of the soul. They work by helping in releasing past trauma, forgiving ourselves and others, and finding our own truths.
Elemental Reiki – has one attunement. Elemental Reiki was created by Rebecca Doolin, employs symbols derived from Goddess, Elemental, and Pagan symbology. It was designed to harmonizes with the frequency of The Goddess and work in accordance with Wiccan Tradition. This unique Reiki can be used for healing but also connects with the earth elements from Goddess, Elemental and Pagan symbology. For Reiki Masters, you will need just one attunement. If you are not currently a Reiki Master you will need two attunements, the second attunement will be need to be given 24 hours after the first.
Earth Harmony Reiki – This Reiki is very gentle energies, earth energies. It was channelled, to relieve the pressures on the earth’s plates during this time and to help man’s consciousness evolve. It helps relieve all the ‘negative emotional thoughts forms’ that were imprinted on man’s consciousness over the time of great earth shifts (i.e., earthquakes, etc.) It is a very powerful set of energies chanelled by Hari.
Ethereal Crystals, Levels 1-9 – has three attunements and is used for giving powerful crystal healings, without using crystals. It does this by evoking the power of the crystals, which we can direct and even use in distance healing. Ethereal Crystals are much stronger than earth crystals, and they are channeled by our intention.
Fairy EnergiesFairy Light Raykey – has one attunement and is used by the fairies. It teaches our souls to have fun, joy and happiness – to in fact, lighten up. The fairies think the source of illness is due to our lack of these qualities. So, by accessing the power of these fairies we can learn to enjoy our stay on this earth and not to take things so seriously.
Fairy Realms Reiki – From Keith Zang and Moonlight Enlightenment Center. It has 3 levels and is filled with wonderful fairy energies and colors. The fairies wish to assist us now and to help the earth repair and recover from all that has been done here.
Full Spectrum Healing – has three attunements. It is the entire spectrum of healing, while Reiki is only the ‘green’ level. Presumably, Full Spectrum Healing will reach healing on all colors, or levels, and so it more powerful than Reiki because it is healing on all the levels. Prerequisite: Reiki I or Kundalini Reiki I.
Golden Triangle Healing System – has one attunement. It was developed and founded by Spiritual Healer and Reiki Master James J. Purner. The Golden Triangle is a special spiritual technique and once you have been attuned to this Egyptian energy system, you can use it to heal yourself or others by activating this energy. It can help increase both mental and telepathic abilities by stimulating the area of the third eye.
Imara Reiki – has one attunement. Imara Reiki is an intense form of Reiki, which does not need any symbols. It is used to heal past life issues, as well as traumas in the current life. On a Reiki scale, it is a level 5 (i.e., in comparison Usui Reiki has 3 levels). It was channeled by Barton Wendel and then developed further by him and his brother Geoffrey in to Imara (meaning more) Reiki. Prerequisite: Reiki Master.
Karmic Reiki – has two attunements and was created by Martyn Pentecost and based on Usui Reiki techniques. It deals with issues arising from negative karmic events. It is “auric” Reiki and employs powerful energy frequencies to vaporize karmic issues, cleanse the shadows of karmic vaporization, and connects you with your guides. There are 5 Karmic Reiki symbols: 2 are used like Reiki symbols to help ease anonymous karma, while the remaining 3 sister symbols provide powerful energy frequencies. Karmic Reiki is a Reiki form of regression and reveals in detail events from past lives. Prerequisite: Usui Reiki Master.
Karuna Ki Reiki Master – was developed by Vincent Amador and requires Usui Reiki Master or Seichim Reiki Master. For Reiki Masters, it is available as a two level attunement process. This is a really, really, powerful form of Reiki. The word Karuna Ki means ‘The Way of Compassion’ and it focuses on the heart chakra. Karuna Ki Reiki includes the teachings, the attunements, the 12 symbols and meditations, as well as mudras. The same 12 symbols are used in Karuna® Reiki and Tera Mai™ Reiki, but the attunements, meditations and mudras are different. It is truly compassionate energy and healing and well worth learning. The basic principle of Karuna Ki is the connection to (and becoming) the embodiment of compassion both for healing self and others, and to send healing and compassion to all creation.–Vincent Amador.
Kundalini Reiki – Levels 1, 2 and 3 – has three attunements and has simply amazing healing energy that unblocks your energy channels. It can also help with the Kundalini Awakening, as it helps open the Crown Chakra to energies. A very powerful form of Reiki indeed. No Prerequisites required for this course, but, you SHOULD already be a Reiki Master.
Kundalini Boosters Levels 1 – 6 – has six attunements and strengthens the previous-received Kundalini Reiki connections. All greatly increase the power to channel Reiki energies. Prerequisite is Kundalini Reiki Master.
Phoenix Rising Reiki Attunement – from Linda Colibert. The myth and the magic of the bird, the Phoenix, helps one to rise above and face their challenges in this world. The colors of the Phoenix are red, golden yellow and also orange. The Phoenix is a Sun Bird, and is associated with the Sun Gods. It stands for the power of the Sun, rebirth and transformation.
Reiki Psychic Attunement – has one attunement and specifically is helpful with your particular psychic ‘gifts’. Usually, there is a slight shift in abilities and most people feel stronger once this attunement is received. It will NOT actually give you psychic gifts which you do not already possess, but it should strengthen what you already have. Prerequisite: Reiki Master and you will need to use Reiki symbols.Reiki
Sacred Flames Reiki Master – is accessible to everyone, even those not certified in Reiki. It contains a guided meditations and visualizations and combines things like traditional Reiki and color therapy with candle work. It is an excellent ‘beginner Reiki’ program, as it is effective and yet easy to use and has no complicated symbols to learn. It helps the ‘body, mind and spirit’ heal and balance on both physical and energy levels. Candle light, fire, is used as a protection from negative energies as we connect to the flame. And, once you are attuned to this energy, you are then able to attune others in the same way.
Shield of Archangel Michael – was created by Linda Colibert. Archangel Michael is a powerful warrior indeed, Avenger Angel and also the protector of all in need, and those pure of heart. His sword is a sword of Truth, that can cut away any negativity and drive away the most fierce foes. This attunement contains the Shield of AA Michael and also the symbol for the Shield and can be used for protection of self, family, property.
Spirit Reiki – has one attunement and was created by Linda Jean Horton. Contains four Reiki symbols to be used along with the Reiki Master symbols: Spirit, Soul, Eye of Anu and Crystal Blossum. These were given to Linda from her Guides in 2003. Prerequisite: Reiki Master.
The Orb of Life – has one attunement and was created by Ole Gabrielsen. It empowers you; it is a concentrated life force that never wears out and is with you always, throughout you whole life. You will be able to create your own orbs and to energize water or other things, and to protect yourself from psychic attacks.
The Silver Violet Flame – has one attunement and is invoked with one simple mantra. It utilities a strong connection with Saint Germain and is a very high spiritual frequency. It helps to overcome selfishness in our lives. No Prerequisites are required.
The Universal Rays – has seven attunements that correlate to the Chakra System. Just like Reiki, these Rays help people on their journey or path toward fulfillment. Each Ray works with an Ascended Master and helps in the transformation of the soul on its journey to become whole. No prerequisites are required.
Tibetan Reiki – has one attunement and it brings in harmony and balance. It’s symbols help to open the third eye, balance the chakras and strengthen the whole spiritual system. Prerequisite: Reiki Master required.
White Dove Reiki – has one attunement and was created by Rev. Richard D. Kidd. White Dove enables the healer to have a central focal point to direct their energies, and then to transfer the collected energies into the receiver. It assists in the Reiki healing process the the Reiki Attunements. Prerequisite: Reiki Master required.
Testimonial – “Thank you so much for the attunement. It was great! I was up early doing my meditation and devotions, so I was ready. As with other attunements, my body vibrated, my arms moved up and down. I was guided to repeat the Violet Flame mantra during the attunement, as well as Quan Yin’s mantra. The connection was so strong I got up toward the end, and my body danced on its own. This only happened once before when I was attuned to Rasheeba. Thank you!
I received many messages during the attunement as well. I did not know that you were a member of the Keeper of the Flame, as I was directed to your site by my angels for this attunement.”
S.L., MN (Violet Flame Reiki Attunement)
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Helen A. Bramow, MA, BCH, MHt , owner of Hypnosis-Virginia, is a highly experienced & successful Board Certified Hypnotist. You can read about all her credentials here About Helen Bramow.
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Shipping: Domestic: Product totals less than $40, shipping is $9.00. For product totals $40.00 or more, shipping is $13.00. Shipping prices, as well as services prices, are prone to change periodically.
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